​2014 and 2012 Winner
Brazilian International Press Awards -Focus Brazil -
DANCE & FOLK in the UK
Mafua at Brazil Day - Trafalgar Square June 12th 2014
Pic by Fernando Bacom
Dj Tudo - UK Album Launch 2011​​
Casa Brasil - Somerset House 2012​
Luton International Encounter 2011​
Mafua at Notting Hill Carnival 2014 - pic by Matthew Webb
Through voices, music and dance we share the power of traditional afro-brazilian rhythms from northeast of Brazil such as Maracatu, Ijexa, Samba de roda, Coco, Ciranda and many more!
With Bea Shantifa and Sally Chop on vocals , hear the strong rhythm of maracatu and the colourful beauty of ciranda and ijexa in songs that express the message and poetry of this fascinating region.
Formed in 2009, Maracatudo Mafua is a London -based maracatu group with musicians from Brazil, Ecuador, France and UK.
Since 2009 the group has stamped its colurs and beats on most brazilian events in UK through their performance group and bloco of students from both drumming and dance workshops, festivals and school outreach.
As a result of such amazing seasons, the group received
Brazilian International Press Awards in Dance & Folk Category ( 2012 and 2014) thanks to public vote and members of Board)
The group was also runner up for Best Brazilian Act of the year at LUKAS Awards 2013.
The group is working on its Debut Album including collaborations with artists from both Brazil and UK.
Most of all, the group is a professional platform for music, making and dance educational projects that combines students engagement in street carnival parade all over UK including WOMAD, Tribe of Doris, Cardboard Citizens, Festive and more…
Since 2012 we have the musical input and collaborations with one of the most amazing female brazilian percussionists SIMONE SOU.
Choreography by Anderson Nogueira, Manuela Benini and Mariana R Pinho
Artistic Director: Mariana R Pinho
The group has in its short, yet intense path, participated on key brazilian events such as:
• Brazilian Day I and II
• Southbank’s Brazil Brazil Festival at Royal Festival Hall
• Casa Brazil at Somerset House
Top London Venues such as:
• Trafalgar Square
• Hootananny
• Favela Chic/Floripa​
• Guanabara
• New Empowering Church
• The Scoop, DIngwalls...
• ITV’s program “The Beat”
• Notting Hill Carnival 2011/2012
Amongst many…
The group have performed with/or as open band along Maracatu Masters and artists such as:
• Natty
• Dj Tudo
• John Blood
• Jorge Riba
• Mestre Afonso – Maracatu Nacao Leao Coroado
• Mestre Arlndo – Maracatu Nacao Cambinda Africano
• Mestre Gilmar – Maracatu Nacao Estrela Brilhante de Igarassu
• Mestre Tete – Maracatu Nacao Almirante do Forte
• Mestre Santino Cirandeiro
• Coco de Praia
• Wendell Bara – Tambores Nago
“Vem comigo, vem dancar,
vem cantar, Maracatudo Mafua”
Mafua at Great British Carnival
Song: Prece de Pescador
With Rebeca Vallim on vocals ( Our muse that is now back in Brazil!)
Social media
Focus Awards 2012