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In the last five years, Gandaia Arts has reached thousands of people all over Europe with its inspiring activities: gigs, workshops, artistic residencies, courses and large-scale projects involving education and performance.


  Please browse around and come back soon as we are adding our contents every day!


  Our resident artists are:
* Maracatudo Mafua;
* Rebeca Vallim;
* Mariana R Pinho ( dance and costume)
* Manuela Benini


Past guest artists includes:
* Dj Mam
* Paula de Hollanda
* Mestre Santino Cirandeiro
* Coco de Praia
* Scott Kettner
* Alfredo Bello aka Dj Tudo
* Wendell Bara
* Coqueiros de Olinda
* Tambores Nago
* Cia Soma
* John Blood & The HIghlys
* A.J. Holmes & The Hackney Empire
* Maracatu Nacao Camaleao
* Maracatu Nacao Pernambuco
* Mestre Toinho ( Nacao Encanto da Alegria)
* Mestre Tete ( Nacao Almirante do Forte)
* Mestre Afonso ( Nacao Leao Coroado)
* Mestre Gilmar ( Nacao Cambinda Africano)
* Anderson Nogueira
* Natty
Check our links for companies/organisations we have worked in partnership with!


​    Artistic Director: Mariana Rabello Pinho



  In the last seven years, Gandaia Arts has reached thousands of people all over Europe with its inspiring activities: gigs, workshops, artistic residencies, courses and large-scale projects involving education and performance.


  Please browse around and come back soon as we are adding our contents every day!


  Our resident artists are:
* Maracatudo Mafua;
* Ramon Fernandez ( drumming);
* Mariana R Pinho ( dance and costume);
* Manuela Benini ( dance, decor);
* SImone Sou


Past guest artists includes:
* Dj Mam
* Orquestra Contemporanea de Olinda
* Paula de Hollanda
* Mestre Santino Cirandeiro
* Coco de Praia
* Scott Kettner
* Alfredo Bello aka Dj Tudo
* Wendell Bara
* Coqueiros de Olinda
* Tambores Nago
* Cia Soma
* John Blood & The HIghlys
* A.J. Holmes & The Hackney Empire
* Maracatu Nacao Camaleao
* Maracatu Nacao Pernambuco
* Mestre Toinho ( Nacao Encanto da Alegria)
* Mestre Tete ( Nacao Almirante do Forte)
* Mestre Afonso ( Nacao Leao Coroado)
* Mestre Gilmar ( Nacao Cambinda Africano)
* Anderson Nogueira
* Natty
Check our links for companies/organisations we have worked in partnership with!


​    Artistic Director: Mariana Rabello PInho

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